“Erde” is the root word for Earth, meaning “all-dirt.” 

In this song I’m singing lines to Mother Earth about all the strange & painful dances we perform on her soil: a parent with a child on death row, corporate pollution that leads to disease in humans & rivers catching fire, & so much time spent staring at screens.. In the background I’m listing off poisonous & medicinal plants – summoning them. Musically, it’s meant to feel ritualistic & primal, very connected to the rhythms of the earth. 

Here are the stems – remix it if you’d like. We are all forced to step back right now & see all these things with the perspective of finally slowing down. The world is always pushing us to move so fast – & it’s exhausting.. on us & on Mother Earth. Song located HERE.

-CW // BC

As musicians, engineers, and producers are staying in, a slew of great artists have come together to launch a remix project. The Armed, Chelsea Wolfe, Converge, Pelican, Slow Mass, and more have made recordings available for free—opening their tracks for anyone to download, remix, and turn into new creations. 

Isolate/Create, as they’re dubbing the project, was launched by The Armed. In a statement, the group said, “Stay at home and make something cool. All for the greater good of stopping the literal apocalypse.”

Once you’ve made something new, they’re asking that you share the work online with the #isolatecreate hashtag—and that you support the contributing artists directly if you can. 

“Right now, you can check out stems, full multitrack sessions and artwork files from Converge, Chelsea Wolfe, Deaf Club, La Dispute, Pelican, Slow Mass, yours truly and more,” The Armed said. 

To help offset the Isolate/Create server costs, Reverb is hosting all of the project files for free. Find and download them all below. Then share what you come up with using #isolatecreate.