WORK Magazine Los Angeles Show Review & Photos
I had the pleasure of seeing Chelsea Wolfe last Friday night at the first Unitarian Church. Chelsea appeared on the stage like a ghost, an ethereal beauty with long dark hair & gentle movements. The church had an intense red glow to it & candles burned on what felt like every surface of the stage. No one cheered or spoke. It was completely silent—& then she started to play.
It felt like everyone held their breathe while she played & exploded into claps after each song, gasping for their next breath. Her shyness between songs made it feel like you were in a room with a friend, someone showing you a secret.

When her set was complete, the crowd became alive, begging her for more. She returned to the stage, dark hair covering her eyes but a huge smile showing. She requested they turn down the lights—& it was perfect again as she closed the night with her beautiful & hauntingly dark mystical folk. Pick up her new acoustic album immediately.